Diet culture is shoved into many Americans’ faces. Fatphobia and fat shaming are very real behaviors in pop culture and social media. Photoshop makes famous people look good, and filters hide a great deal on social media. Whatever body image is being thrust forward as the ideal can lead to an unhealthy perspective on weight loss.
Yet it is possible to pendulum swing too far the other way. To adopt a laissez-faire attitude about your body. Your body is a gift from God, and while you do not need to bow to societal standards, you still have an obligation to care for yourself as one who was made by God. Asking the right questions about your weight and diet is important. Having a healthy perspective on your body is about far more than your weight.
Questions to Uncover Your Perspective
- Do you need to lose weight?
There are certainly reasons to lose excess weight. The impact on your joints is less, the strain on your cardiovascular system decreases, and you can have a healthier heart, lungs, etc. Many chronic health conditions will improve when excess weight is removed. It is good to have a conversation with your doctor about the best weight for your health.
- Do you have a well-balanced diet?
Before you go with any kind of elimination diet do a check-in with what you are already eating. Is half your plate fruit and/or vegetables at every meal? Do you incorporate a healthy balance of protein and carbohydrates? A quick search on the internet can help inspire ideas for incorporating different foods in simple ways.
If your current eating habits consist of fast food, takeout, and heavily processed foods those are good things to cut back on. If you regularly keep ice cream, soda, chips, and candy in the house you are more likely to grab those snacks when you are hungry. Cooking at home is often a good way to give yourself more balanced options.
- How do you feel about your body?
Take a moment to go and stand in front of a mirror. If that person were a friend, what would you say about them? Would you compliment something about their appearance? Is there any part of your body that makes you feel pride? Is there any part that makes you feel shame?
As you look into the mirror think about the reason you want to lose weight. There are many common reasons to start dieting, and having a clear sense of why will help you in achieving your goals. If you want to look a certain way in clothes, gain strength in certain muscles, or even just feel physically different, these can all help you determine the path you will take. Knowing why you want to lose weight is the first step to accomplishing your desired outcome.
How to Start Healthy Weight Loss
Make small changes.
- Cut back to one soda or sugary beverage a day for the first few weeks
- Include more fruit/vegetable options in your meals.
- Plan your treats (not cheats)
- Drink more water
- Try one exercise for 5-10 minutes daily
- Plan to connect with a friend or counselor for support and guidance.
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, NIV
A temple is a holy place, and holy places are cared for with respect. If you consider your body a temple of the Holy Spirit, you want to treat it with respect. Taking care of yourself is a spiritual practice. Body and spirit are intertwined with each other. Consider if the choices you make about your food and exercise are honoring God with your body.
Practice Gratitude
- Pause to give thanks in prayer to God for your body and all the ways it has supported you. This reframes your perspective on your body, focusing on the positive rather than the negative.
- Express thanks to people who make food for you; in coffee shops, restaurants, bakeries, etc. Respecting those who prepare food is an excellent practice of appreciating the value that food adds to your life.
- Connect with local farmers to learn about the seasons for different fruits and vegetables. Seeing the work that goes into growing and making food will change your perspective on your food choices.
- Find things you enjoy and savor them. From occasional treats to your daily bread, there is so much variety you can delight in eating.
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31, NIV
Rather than viewing the food you eat as a threat, practice gratitude. If you focus only on what you can’t eat, it is harder to find joy in what you can eat. If you are ungrateful for what you have been given it is challenging to find joy and hope in the process of pursuing healthy weight loss.
Set Small, Measurable Goals
- Try drinking only water for 30 days, cutting out coffee, soda, wine, etc.
- Choose an exercise that you enjoy and stick to it.
- Communicate with those who need to know (spouses, children, friends who can help)
- Know your “why”.
- Work with a counselor, coach, dietician, and others to find the right goals for you.
- Figure out your limits and boundaries
- Give yourself grace when you don’t measure up to your own expectations.
So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female, he created them. Genesis 1:27, NIV
What does it mean to you that you are made in the image of God? As you ponder that question, it may guide you both in your faith and the decisions you make about your body, weight, and self-care. Your body is not a separate entity from your faith, it is the vessel of God’s work and the vehicle for practicing faith. If you value it as such you will understand the importance of caring for the body that is made in God’s image. That image is reflected in the variety that can be seen across the human race.
Focus on Gains
There are several benefits to having a well-balanced diet and regular exercise.
- Clarity of thought
- Stronger muscles
- Bolstered immune system
- Increased energy levels
- Better able to manage depression, anxiety, stress, and other mental health challenges.
- Regulated gastrointestinal system
May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, NIV
There is no need to look at your body with shame. God is working in all the parts of yourself, the ones you dislike and the ones you like. God is faithful to care for you even when you do not care for yourself and He has not set an impossible standard of physical beauty.
How Counseling Helps
There are several ways that counseling can help you achieve a healthy perspective on weight loss. If you have a history of issues with body image, struggle with past weight gain, or just feel self-doubt and hesitation about how to go about losing weight, a counselor can provide helpful feedback. A counselor’s office is a safe place to express fears and work through goals and concerns. Our counselors will be happy to give you the support you need in your weight loss journey. Call today to set up an appointment.
“A woman doing a yoga”, Courtesy of Kuzovkova Images,, CC0 License
- Caitlin Mallery: Author
Caitlin Mallery is a freelance writer, mother of four, avid reader, and amateur gardener from the Pacific Northwest. When she is not writing or chauffeuring children hither, thither, and yon, she works as a hospital chaplain.“Working in spiritual...
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