The goodness of God remains constant, though the challenges we encounter in life will vary with time and circumstance. Our human tendency is to become discouraged by this inherent paradox. This is why encouraging ourselves in the Lord is a sacred act that defies the gravity of what would otherwise plummet us into despair, hindering resilience.

We have to remind ourselves to look up and see God again, recognizing that falling is as much a prerequisite to success and resilience as getting up. While this is part of life, fear of failure can sometimes set us back from what started as momentum for working toward a shared vision with God.

Failure, the prelude to resilience

Failure is a non-negotiable part of life. We are often loath to admit that reality. Whether we learn from our own flaws or observe someone else’s lesson, we can access the wealth of insight that experience provides.

Where we previously encountered failure and insecurity, we can develop confidence and resilience. The Holy Spirit is our Teacher. He will reveal how to make present pivots and redirect future results.

While failures are built into any process, we can also survey our own lives to see where they benefit us. Mistakes generate opportunities for reflection, helping us to notice our choices.

Unpacking and exploring failure familiarizes us with some of the thought patterns and processes that led to our outcomes. When we have stumbled upon a learning experience instead of an anticipated win, we can tease out areas to tweak and adapt our approach for the next time.

Challenge doesn’t eclipse the vision or negate what the Holy Spirit may have revealed. However, God is wise. He knows that unveiling the entirety of His future for us would overwhelm us and destabilize us with details that we don’t control.

The area where we do have influence is in our decision to acknowledge God’s promises, follow His process, and enjoy His partnership. There are always a handful of spiritual truths and practical principles that can guide our daily decisions as we move forward.

Acknowledge the God of promises

Of course, the enemy would want us to spend more time looking at the past than walking with God into our future. Easily, we could become consumed by it and miss the joy of His Presence and the faithfulness of His promises, even when our vision stalls.

Taking inventory notes of what has contributed to our experiences without belaboring every stumble. We can begin again by considering what worked instead of over-emphasizing what didn’t. The Holy Spirit will equip us with wisdom to get up and build again with Him if we ask. We can incorporate the past’s lessons so we can experience refreshed hope as we move into our future.

Follow the process of resilience

As we abide in the present, we must remember to acknowledge our small beginnings. Despite the roadblocks faced as Jerusalem’s temple was being rebuilt, the prophet Zechariah encouraged the people to celebrate their small wins. God rejoices when we acknowledge His present goodness in the process, though we haven’t seen the final outcome (Zechariah 4:10).

The Father calls for us to be thankful, as gratitude benefits us, fostering the joy and confidence that stifle insecurity and anxiety (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Though faults coexist alongside the good to be celebrated within, God’s glory won’t be seen because of what we lack or possess, but rather in the Savior who has us.

Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness. – Psalm 115:1, NIV

Embrace divine partnership

The science of gratitude has revealed that it quells anxiety and results in a calmer and steadier heart rate. This is evidence for building joy with Jesus into our journey that could otherwise feel arduous. We will feel the pinch of circumstances, even when we are faced again with the potential to fail. Yet, as much as there is an opportunity for failure, faith appropriates limitless possibilities.

The key is a partnership with God and daring to believe. While we cannot control the past circumstances that led to instances of failure, we can decide that dread and fear will not influence us into a refusal to try again.

Next steps

Embrace gratitude despite the failures you encountered. While you may have hesitated to go forward, remember that the Lord is calling you to advance in hope. Wherever you are in your experience with the fear of failure, you can rebound in resilience and overcome the insecurity that has prevented you from launching again.

You can discover grace and the growth you long for. The counseling services we offer can help you on your journey. Make an appointment today to upgrade your confidence and change your life.


“Palm”, Courtesy of JSB Co.,, Unsplash+ License; “Ivy on Colored Wall”, Courtesy of Alicia Mary Smith,, CC0 License; “Resting”, Courtesy of Motoki Tonn,, CC0 License


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